How is my work assessed?

3 min. readlast update: 07.18.2024

At the London Institute of Business and Technology, we are dedicated to ensuring that our assessment procedures rigorously evaluate, measure, and document our learners' academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, and educational needs.

Here’s a detailed overview of the stages involved in our assessment process to gauge your suitability for an award. Most modules are assessed through assignments submitted by students.

STEP 1 - EVALUATING YOUR ASSIGNMENT: After completing your assignment, it undergoes a thorough assessment to ensure that it meets the Learning Outcomes set by the Assessment Criteria. This step is crucial as it confirms that your work aligns with the expected academic standards and demonstrates your understanding and application of the subject matter.

STEP 2 - INTERNAL VERIFICATION (Ensuring Reliability and Validity): Once your assignment has been assessed, it progresses to the Internal Verification stage. At this point, an Internal Verifier at LIBT reviews the original assessor's assessment decisions. This process is vital to ensure the assessment is valid and reliable. 

After completing internal verification, the results, detailed feedback, and the grade awarded are communicated to you via email. This feedback is instrumental in helping you understand the strengths of your work and areas that might require further improvement.

STEP 03 - EXTERNAL VERIFICATION (Final Validation by Awarding Body): The final stage in the assessment process involves External Verification. After all required assignments have been submitted and internally verified, they are sent to the Awarding Body. This external verification ensures that our assessment standards are maintained and are in line with external benchmarks. Certificates of completion are issued only after the successful completion of this external verification.

ASSESSMENT IN TOP-UP PROGRAMMES: Top-up programmes provide an essential pathway for students wishing to enhance their existing qualifications to a full degree level. As these programmes are available from diverse institutions, the assessment methods can differ significantly. Therefore, we strongly advise prospective students to get in touch with our admissions team at to obtain the latest, most relevant information.

It is important to note that all of our top-up programmes are specifically designed to accommodate international learners. These programmes do not require physical attendance, making them an excellent option for students who need the flexibility to study from abroad or balance other commitments.

For students already enrolled in top-up programmes and seeking detailed information about their course, including assessment specifics, please get in touch with the awarding university directly. They will be able to provide the most accurate and comprehensive details to ensure you are fully informed about your study and assessment requirements.

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